Mumbai, Feb 05 (ANI): The fourth and the second last day of the esteemed Lakme Fashion Week saw gorgeous ladies Karisma Kapoor and Aditi Rao Hyadri walking the ramp. While Karisma donned designer Arpita Mehta’s collection, Aditi turned showstopper for ace designers Kotwara. The ‘Wazir’ actress looked stunning as she sashayed down in a black encrusted lehenga, a sizzling choli and an embellished tulle dupatta from the ‘Romance of Kotwara’ collection. "I have always wanted to be associated with Kotwara," said Aditi at the event and added, "The reason being the believe so much in the revival of handicrafts. In making it part of our everyday lives, no one will say it is a dying art." Karisma flaunted a white ensemble of thread and mirror embroidered crop top teamed with high waist palazzo. At the press conference held post the show, the 42-year-old applauded Arpita, for whom she has walked earlier as well and said, "It’s always a pleasure to don her clothes as they always have a particular element standing out with each collection. The outfit that I am wearing is absolutely stunning and I had a great time."
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Mumbai, Feb 05 (ANI): The fourth and the second last day of the esteemed Lakme Fashion Week saw gorgeous ladies Karisma Kapoor and Aditi Rao Hyadri walking the ramp. While Karisma donned designer Arpita Mehta’s collection, Aditi turned showstopper for ace designers Kotwara. The ‘Wazir’ actress looked stunning as she sashayed down in a black […]
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