New Delhi, Sep 27 (ANI): On the occasion of legendary filmmaker Yash Chopra’s birth anniversary, Yash Raj Films has announced a big project which is surely going to make fans go crazy. Yash Raj Films announced that Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff will be seen sharing screen space in filmmaker Siddharth Anand’s yet-to-be-titled project. The production house’s official Twitter handle tweeted, "Bring it on! Presenting @iHrithik and @iTIGERSHROFF in YRF’s next film. Directed by Siddharth Anand. Releasing on 25th Jan’19 #HrithikVsTiger." The untitled thrilling action film will begin shooting in April 2018. As soon as the announcement was made, Tiger, who is known to be a big fan of Hrithik, tweeted, "Sir @iHrithik. You are my Guru. But you should know when the game changes. #HrithikVsTiger (sic)." To which Hrithik replied, "A Guru will always have that one trick, he doesnt teach his student. @iTIGERSHROFF #HrithikVsTiger (sic)." This is the first time Hrithik and Tiger are collaborating for a film.
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New Delhi, Sep 27 (ANI): On the occasion of legendary filmmaker Yash Chopra’s birth anniversary, Yash Raj Films has announced a big project which is surely going to make fans go crazy. Yash Raj Films announced that Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff will be seen sharing screen space in filmmaker Siddharth Anand’s yet-to-be-titled project. The […]
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